Careful: Spoilers ahead!
First off, I must start with this meme, because I just laughed for 10 minutes and it simply doesn't get old:

It's okay, you can stop laughing now ;)
Anyway, the last episode of season 6 had a LOT of plot twists, and I can say that I am VERY pleased with everything :D
First, Cercei kills EVERYONE in one go, with Wildfire and becomes the Queen, after Tommen took his own life - foreshadowing that she's.. well... mad? You know, like the Mad King? He did something similar years ago, didn't he? Was Papa Targaryan the true inspiration behind the massacre that self proclaimed alcoholic Cercei Lannister plotted? Who knows? All I know and care about is that she's alone now (apart from the nightly company of Jaime) and rules the 7 kingdoms - She even got a Dany like title now - Queen of the Andals, ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, More foreshadowing? Yes? No? I guess we'll wait and see ;)
All hail Queen Cercei! (Don't tell Daenerys I said this :p )

Speaking of the Mother of Dragons - She finally got a fleet, has most of the Greyjoy's, the Dothraki, the Tyrells, has allies in Dorne.... Is there something this woman doesn't have?! Not to mention the THREE INCREDIBLE DRAGONS! Westeros must prepare to receive her, specially now that we found out there's another Targaryen alive.... JON SNOW (Jon Targaryen? Stargaryen? I'll leave that up to you!)
I love when theories get verified, and Jon being Rhaegar and Lyanna's son is pretty much the icing (get it?) on this Game Of Thrones Cake - This ultimately means that Dany and Jon are family, meaning that the North will most likely be helped by Tagaryens to fight the Night's King and his dead(ly) troops - ICE AND FIRE YALL!!!!
What did you think of this finale? Are you excited about season 7? Pssst of course you are ;)