CAREFUL : Spoilers ahead
Just like 90% of Earth's population, I'm addicted to Game of Thrones. And just like all of them, last week's episode left me like this:
The Door, the 5th episode of the very anticipated 6th season of the show (mostly because this is the first season where book readers and show watchers are - literally - on the same page) left many of us traumatized and deeply touched by the death of a very beloved character - Hodor.
With all the dragons, ladies that don't get burned by fire, dwarfs, sword fighting, incest and lots (and lots and lots and lots..) of sex, deaths are what make Westeros go round. Honestly, this season is getting so dark, it's becoming hard to find decent screen grabs! However, here are the key moments of this week's episode, in my opinion:
The North
Another episode, another glance at Sansa's and Jon's plan to conquer Winterfell from the hands of Ramsay, who currently has their younger brother Rickon. Sansa has definitely got more balls than Jon (such a disappointment o.o) and is thinking ahead on what to do to regain their home. So excited to see what happens next! :D
Iron Men
After Balon died on episode 4, we knew that the Iron Islands needed a new ruler. While Theon (who actually resembles the Theon we met before Reek) defends that Yara , his sister, should be the one to rule the Iron Lands. However, their uncle Euron shows up and with a great speech about teaming up with The Mother Of Dragons and conquering Westeros, he eventually wins over the younger Greyjoys and is now the new ruler. What we see while he's "crowned" is Yara and Theon sailing away. I wonder where the tide will take them....
More Red
Another red woman! For 5 seasons I thought Melissandre was the only red lady, with powers given by the God of Light, but apparently there's a whole lot of them! The one we meet on this episode is called Kinarva and wears the same kind of clothes our favorite red woman does - red clothes with a plunging neckline and... a necklace. I wonder what happens to her when she takes it off :p
Jokes aside, Arya has never been one of my favorite characters, and this season is not really changing my mind about her. She does, however, have a lot of room to develop. She went from blind to faceless - these Braavos upgrades are phenomenal! - and now that Jaqen gave her an assignment, she also has a purpose. Will she do it? Will she continue to question the Faceless Men? Who knows!

Icy Branding
We all saw how Bran can walk (he he he) in and out of visions, and the 5th episode revealed something much more important: he can interact with whoever is on said visions. And the 1st person he decides to interact with is no other than the Night's King, who sears his fingerprints into Bran's arm. What does this mean, I wondered? Well, the show decided to enlighten me 3.0 seconds after - the icy monster can now discover where the Three Eyed Raven's lair is. Speaking of which....
Three Died Raven
When the Night's King and his undead army found the cave, bad things were prone to happen. The Children of the Forest die and so does the Three Eyed Raven. Apparently, the Children Of The Forest are the ones who created the White Walkers, by stabbing the Night's King's heart with dragonglass - THIS EXPLAINS SO MUCH!! That's why Sam was able to fight one with dragonglass - THAT'S THEIR WEAKNESS!
Winter is coming and Summer is gone
We all know how the Starks always find a way to die. Their dire wolves are no exception. The one who joined doggy heaven this time was Summer, Bran's dire wolf, who bravely faced Wights and Walkers to protect his owner. Needless to say, I cried like a baby...
Hold the door... Hodor
One of the shows biggest questions have been answered: how did Hodor become Hodor? We saw in previews episodes that Hodor's real name is Willys and that he talked! However, Bran messed up our sweet hearted giant - by going back to the past, Bran let the voice of Meera go through the time vortex, giving little Willys a glimpse of the future - he, as a well formed grown up, holding the door, so Meera and Bran could escape. How would your brain react to seeing yourself die? Probably having an attack, just like he did. After repeating "Hold the Door" many times, he eventually ended up with the word Hodor, and couldn't say anything else. He died a hero.

What are you thoughts on this episode? I'm pretty sure that it only gets better from here forward.