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She's 16. She got raped by 30 men. She's the one to blame

Foto do escritor: Maria Odete Silva de JesusMaria Odete Silva de Jesus

We all know how it is. It's a dog's world, and if you wear anything that reveals more than the skin on your face and hands, you're treated like a piece of steak.

Yesterday I read about this 16 year old girl who got raped by 30 men, one of them was her ex-boyfriend, and is being ruthlessly judged by netizens, who believe she's to blame for all of this. Videos and images were posted by the rapists online, but got quickly deleted.

Needless to say, this gets me completely enraged. How can people, living in the 21st century, with access to the Internet and all the great things and knowledge it has to offer, still believe that a girl, no matter what she wears, is to blame for the sick acts of (clearly) mad creatures - I'm sorry, I just couldn't call them men anymore - ?

Would those people be saying the same if it was their daughter, their sister, their mother or a close family member / friend? Would those who blame her victimize those they care about in a similar situation?


People only point fingers, only judge, when it's nothing related to them, directly or indirectly. When will people understand that victim blaming is not something that should be practiced? When will people understand that those who compromise (and take!) another human being's rights, should be punished accordingly? As far as I know, only 2 of the 30 monsters who almost killed this young girl have been arrested. The other 28 are still out, probably making fun of the situation and boasting about their acts.

Wake up world. Do something about this.

If you know someone who's been or is being abused, or if you are yourself, please speak up.

Don't let your fight be silent.

RAINN (Rape, Assault & Incest National Network) :

USA - 800.656.HOPE (4673) Online:

International: 1-888-407-4747 (US & Canada) / +1 202-501-4444 (Overseas)

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